Polygraph testing, commonly referred to as a ‘lie detector test’ measures and records several physiological indicators such as an individual’s pulse, blood pressure, respiration and skin conductivity whilst they are asked and answering a series of questions.

The results of the polygraph are intended to then indicate whether the answers given were deceptive or non-deceptive based on the physiological responses of the individual.

find out the truth


• A powerful investigation tool that can be used to eliminate or focus on a suspect.

• Indicates whether the answers given were deceptive or non-deceptive.

• Appropriately structured interviews are conducted to ensure accurate results.

• Our examiners are accredited members of the, APA, SAPPA and BEPA.


• A powerful investigation tool that can be used to eliminate or focus on a suspect.

• Indicates whether the answers given were deceptive or non-deceptive.

• Appropriately structured interviews are conducted to ensure accurate results.

• Our examiners are accredited members of the, APA, SAPPA and BEPA.


Whether it be for corporate or private issues, Insight can provide polygraph testing whilst maintaining complete client confidentiality.

Within corporations or businesses there may be internal issues such as employee drug testing, pre-employment screening tests, proving discrimination or even to help increase the security levels within the business itself.

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