#TripleMurder suspect faints in court

Durban – The 45-year-old man charged with murdering a Phoenix mother and her two daughters fainted in court on Tuesday.

The man was due to appear in the Verulam Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday charged with three counts of murder.

An ambulance has arrived in court and the man is being treated at the scene.

He apparently fainted in the holding cells and is hyperventilating.

The lifeless bodies of Jane Govindasamy, 44, and her daughters Denisha, 22, and Rakelle, 16 were discovered on Friday morning in Longbury, Phoenix.

It was their father Sagren Govindsamy who made the discovery on Friday morning police spokesman Lt Colonel Thulani Zwane said.

Police Minister Bheki Cele visited the family home on Sunday.

The funeral of the mother and her two daughters are expected to take place on Saturday.

It is uncertain if the man will appear in court today.

This is a developing story.

By IOL news

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